Fellow believer, I pray you experience God’s love and grace throughout 2012.

Peter the apostle made a very weighty statement in his letter to the saints. He said they should grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

When you take stock of the last year, did you make any progress in your walk with the Lord? Did you develop spiritually? Are you making plans to grow this year?

As much as we have various distractions around us, there has never been a time in history where so much information has been readily available. The technological revolution has made the impossible possible. There is absolutely no excuse for not spending time in God’s word. The old, “I am time poor” excuse just can’t cut it any more.

There are myriad of ways we can consume scripture. I am sure a lot of people are already aware of them. If you are not aware, I will just like to ask, where have you been? Nowadays, you don’t have to carry a bible around like we use to do in times past. Neither do you have to carry a small Gideon’s bible in your back pocket. If you own a smart phone, tablet pc, iPod or mp3 player you can access both digital and audio formats of God’s word on the go.

The amazing thing is some of the software is completely free. They even throw in reading plans to help you read through the bible in a year.

So as you make plans to make more money, tighten your grip on your career in a failed economy or bond with your loved ones, don’t neglect the most important relationship of all, your relationship with your Heavenly Father.

Make concrete plans today on how you are going to grow in your walk with the Lord, if you have not already done so. There are numerous believers in other parts of the world who do not have the opportunity to engage in the scriptures as we do. These people treasure the little amount of materials they have at their disposure. Please remember to lift them up on prayers throughout the year. 

In closing, do not neglect meeting together for fellowship. Regular attendance of meetings where the word of God is being taught will enhance your growth as a Christian (Hebrews 10:25).

Have a great year and remain strong in Lord!