I remember going for a time of fasting and prayer with a minister of the Gospel a few years back. It was quite an intense session for me as a young man. We went without food for three days. I was having headaches, I could barely pray on my feet.

In one of the sessions, we had a discussion about deliverance. It was then we realised, sometimes, deliverance could be taught in such a way that it nullifies the New Birth while we magnify the work of the enemy and put him on par with Our Heavenly Father.

If we are not careful, we will get into the Hollywood mode, where God is on one side and the devil on the other, with both of them pulling you in opposite directions. Sometimes spiritual warfare is presented as if the Father and the enemy are both in a tug of war, and whoever manages to pull you across the line wins.

This is not an accurate picture, because the devil is no match for your Heavenly Father. They are not equals and will never be. When you go through the New Testament, you never see Jesus Christ messing around with the devil. You never see Him struggling with him. Because the Master was way above him. He knew He had authority over him.

As a Christian, you have authority over the devil. He has no right to dominate your life or control it. If Christ set you free, then you are free. The Scripture clearly states, that you are completely delivered from his authority. From a legal standpoint, he has no authority over you. I want to encourage you today, but even if things seem out of control in your life, the devil has zero authority over you. Whatever he is bringing into your life is illegal.

You might say, Pastor what are you talking about? What about witchcraft? What about people who cast spells? What about reoccurring negative circumstances that I can’t get my head round? I will say to you, yes those things are real. But I would like to reiterate, their actions are illegal. That is why you should not accept it. You should stand firm with your faith in God’s word and resist the works of darkness. Your Father is by far more superior to the enemy, and don’t forget the devil is a created being.

It is easier to confront the works of darkness from a position of strength, than from a position of weakness. If we confront situations from a mindset that we are already delivered, it makes it easier to stand against the works of darkness. This is a New Creation truth we should hold on to. We are no longer in the devil’s slammer, our Master opened the prison doors two thousand years ago. It is time to walk free!

Colossians 1:13 (NKJV)
13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,

As you can see the Scripture says, “He has delivered us…” which means past tense. It did not say, “He’s trying to deliver us or He will deliver.” We are already delivered from the control and dominion of darkness and therefore no longer subject to the authority of darkness. It is time to rise up, and stand up for your legal rights. You are delivered!

Does this mean you no longer need people to pray for you if necessary? Not at all!

What I’m saying is, even if, someone was going to stand with you in prayer, the basis of their authority will be the legal fact that Christ has already delivered you and therefore the enemy has no right to exert any authority over you.

Therefore, I encourage you to stand firm in your freedom in Christ today!